Eliana came up to me with a pen saying, "Picture! Picture!" So I asked, "Did you draw a picture already?" She didn't reply so I knew that meant yes and I knew it was mischief! "Where did you draw a picture?" She took me to the dresser in our bedroom and showed me the beautiful scribble-artwork she had done on it. I sat down next to her, showed her a piece of paper and explained that we only color and draw pretty pictures on paper. She gave me puppy dog eyes, wrapped her arms around me and said softly, "I sorry. I sorry, Mama."
I thought she had learned a lesson until later. She started coloring on the bathroom cabinet while saying simultaneously, "I sorry." Apparently, the only lesson she learned was that by saying she's sorry it makes it okay!
Oh my goodness! That is HILARIOUS!!! Not that you think so right now, but in a few years (or maybe 20) you'll look back on this memory and laugh. Feel free to laugh at me when this same sort of thing happens to me. I'm sure it will eventually!
that is too funny for words. At least she kind of understands in a way. At least you have "artwork" in your bathroom to remind you of her. Most people just put it on their fridge.
That's really funny. Trey figured that one out too. They're just so cute when they say I'm sorry! What can ya do??
Ha thats so cute...I mean bad girl Eliana! jk lol What funny kid that cracks me up! It could be worse though! I got nail polish on everything when I was little.
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