Thursday, March 3, 2011


Merely a few seconds ago, I completed and emailed my last final exam to my instructor.  Well, my last before SPRING BREAK anyway.  Yay!  A much needed two-week break has begun!  Even though I have a much-dreaded class beginning after the break, there's no use worrying about it right now.  This is a HUGE sense of relief.  My mental and physical capacity had nearly reached a breaking point and I could no longer find it in me to keep going.  Perfect timing.  Yes, a vacation would be nice but can't happen this time.  Instead, I'll just spend the next two weeks with these awesome little girls.  Ah... It's nice just being "Mom".


The John Family said...

So cute! Love those little girls! :)

Karalee and Anthony said...

I don't know how you find time to do school with two little ones. You are awesome! And your girls are so stinking cute!!

Katie DeRusha-Johnson said...

Your girls are beautiful! Hope you guys are doing well!