Monday, July 27, 2009

Eliana the Brilliant!

Eliana will be 27 months old next week. I just have to brag a little... For several months now, she has known how to count to 10 in Spanish and (almost) to 20 in English. She knows her ABCs. She knows all her colors, shapes (which she likes to point out everywhere we go) and body parts (both in English and Spanish). Not only does she regularly put together longer (and grammatically correct) sentences than me but she knows several Spanish words and phrases. She even still remembers the sign language she learned at 6 months old and knows a couple French words! She is a sponge! She has an incredibly memory. She never forgets who gave her what gift and repeats it every time she sees that item ("Papa's BIG dog present." "Bon Bon's jacket." etc. etc.) She completely understands pronouns and uses them in adult-sized sentences, "I'm going to go to my room and get my dolly, okay Mama?" I'm so used to her talking like this that I only realize how impressive it is when Brandon tells me what level is typical for a child her age (since he studies this at school).

Her latest thing is pretending. It seems like I'm constantly playing 'Cinderella' or 'Sharptooth' with her. Even if I'm not playing with her, she can play with several of her toys at the same time and give them all their own "parts" complete with animated voices and exciting drama. She has also recently started reading (recognizing and remembering words, really). But she comprehends and interprets their meaning. She can currently read close to 10 words without help but she'll only do it if she's in the mood (what a girl!). Speaking of, she can definitely be moody but I really expected my two-year-old to come with head-banging breakdowns but NO. She's pretty chill for the most part.

I'm so grateful to have such an incredible child and be able to spend every day with her. She never ceases to amaze me. The only problem is... I'm starting to run out of things to teach her! Ideas, anyone? I'm going to try harder to keep track of all the cute and amazing things she says. She's the sweetest girl in the world and I am so lucky to have her in my life!


Crafty Cowgirl said...

there is a lot u can teach her still even at her age. I taught head start for a while for 3-4 yr olds and she seems advanced enough for some things we taught them like: 1.days of the week and months of the year (look up ways to sing them as a song online), 2.What under, over etc is, 3. seasons 4. what to do in certain situations- strangers etc
Ps. I totally follow ur blog and read it often. Im just horrible at commenting sorry!

Anonymous said...

thats awesome!! Me and Kevin actually had a long conversation the other day about that time you guys were in town and we met at that Chinese place. We were SO impressed with Eliana in all that she knew and could say at 18 months! We often tell eachother we want Preston to be like her, and try to remember the things you told us you did with her. Keep up the teaching! Your such a great mom!!

tenney_fam said...

That is so amazing! She is so cute. We miss being in Flagstaff especially since it is about 106 degrees in Safford today! AAAHHHH! Oh well we will get used to it eventually!

Brett & Crystal said...

You guys are amazing! Such a cute, cute family :)